NEPSE decreased by more than 14.5 percent in the week, how much index of which subgroup increased or decreased?

market now

Kathmandu: This week, the NEPSE index has decreased by about 14 and a half points. NEPSE, which closed at 1904.40 points last week, has decreased by 0.77 percent or 14.65 points to 1889.75 points this week.

This week, out of 5 trading days, the NEPSE index decreased on 3 trading days. This week, on Monday and Tuesday, NEPSE increased, while the other 3 trading days decreased.

This week the sensitive index has decreased by 2.03 points while the float index has decreased by 1.03 points and the sensitive float index has decreased by 0.60 points.

Along with NEPSE, the turnover has also decreased this week. Last week, the daily average of 92 crore shares was traded in the market, this week the daily average of Rs 81 crore was traded. This week, the daily average number of shares decreased by 16.87 percent, while the daily average number of transactions increased by 4.47 percent.

Total market capitalization fell by 0.77 percent this week. Out of 13 index of 3 index has increased this week, while the index of 10 has decreased. The hotel and tourism index increase the most this week by 0.84 percent. On the basis of points, this week has increased the most by 29.64 points. The index of this, which was at 3547.30 points on the last trading day of last week, reached 3576.94 points this week.
The finance index fell the most this week by 1.71 percent. On the basis of points, this week the microfinance index has decreased the most by 50.21 points.

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